… Kris Bryant

1. What’s the time of the day when you feel most like yourself?

 I don’t fully wake up until ten in the morning. It’s the best time for me to write, too, BUT I am a total night owl. The sweet spot is ten – midnight.


2. What’s your coffee order? 

I’m a fake coffee drinker. I mean, I drink it, but it’s so doctored up that it doesn’t count. I drink it with several splashes of milk or cream, several teaspoons of sugar, a dash of vanilla, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.


3. Describe yourself in three words?

Loyal, fierce, and compassionate.


4. What do you think of garden gnomes?

I think they are super cute! They tend to the gardens when we aren’t home.  What’s not to like about them? Wait. Do people have feelings about them?!


5. Sweet or savory? 

Definitely sweet.


6. What makes you smile? 

Animals. All the animals. Animals I can pet or play with. I’m the person who finds and befriends pets wherever I go. “Hi! It’s good to see you, my friend. Now let me play with your dogs, cats, rabbits, etc.”


7. Do you believe in soulmates?

I do. I also believe you can have more than one.


 8. Biggest pet peeve?

I hate it when people don’t answer the phone. I hate that it’s an entire production just to have a conversation. Now you have to send a text and ask permission if you can call. Sometimes I just need to hear a friendly voice and I don’t want to have to schedule it. Remember when we used to randomly call our friends and they were excited to hear from us? Also, I’ve had a few emergencies lately and not being able to reach people is very frustrating.

 9. What makes you cry?

Everything. I cry at everything. TV shows, movies, books, and so many things. My sister and I send each other Tik Tok videos just to make each other cry. I also cry at unjust situations. Like when I know something isn’t fair for myself or somebody else. I think the real question is what doesn’t make me cry?


10. What personality trait gets you most often in trouble?

I have a very dry sense of humor and that gets me into trouble. I’m not a serious person, at all, and it takes a bit of time for people to adjust to me. Life’s too short to be grumpy.


11. What is the one thing you wish you could quit?
I wish I could quit my day job and write full-time.


12. Do you believe in love at first sight?

I believe in attraction at first sight. I believe in chemistry at first sight. I can see a beautiful woman and feel all the tingles but I have to know her before I open myself up to something as vulnerable as love.

13. In a crowded room, what makes you notice a woman?

I notice how a woman carries herself. How comfortable she is in her own skin. I love body language and reading people. If I can tell a woman is in an uncomfortable conversation, I will interrupt for something really off the wall and get her out of that situation if she’s willing to be rescued. If she’s alone, I’ll strike up a conversation. It takes a lot for introverts to be in a crowded room so I’m going to try to make everyone feel comfortable.

14. Would you go to high school again? College?

I have mixed feelings about this question. I hated high school. I was different because I was an Air Force brat and didn’t know everyone in my class since birth (like 99% of Missourians). I was bullied and struggled in social circles. I had a handful of great friends, but I was always on the outside. If I could go back knowing everything I know now, I’d go back and make different choices. As far as college, I think I’d like to go to a private east coast college rather than a Midwest state school.

15. What would be the title of your autobiography?

Dimples (naturally, it would have a one-word title)


16. Three women you’d have over for dinner and what would you serve?

This is probably the hardest question on this whole damn list! Do I make it about politics? Feminists? Musicians? Entertainers? Actresses? Teachers? Friends? So many women have enriched my life. Women I’ve known, women I’ve admired, women I’ve loved. Some are still in my life, some have weaved in and out of it, and some have unfortunately left. I can’t answer this question.


17. What is the one memory you’d give anything to relive?

Taking my mother to Deanna Rose Farmstead for the first time and watching how excited she was to feed the baby goats with bottles. It was a total surprise and I hadn’t seen her that genuinely happy in a long time. She was still healthy and able to move around and just had the best time. I definitely get my love for animals from my mother.


18. What’s in your refrigerator right now?

Brussels sprouts, squash, eggs, milk, cheese, Hershey’s chocolate syrup, frosting, a Brita pitcher that takes up too much space, turkey pepperoni, yogurt, sour cream (tons of dairy)! I’ve been trying different recipes to make Brussels sprouts tastier and I’ve FINALLY found the perfect seasoning.  


19. If you could choose one song to be played every time you enter a room, what song would that be and why? 

You all know music is one of my passions. A song plays in my head every time I enter a room based on the people, the event, my anxiety, or my mood. As an overall general feel, I have to go with These Are Days by 10,000 Maniacs. You probably know the song, but read the lyrics. Great philosophy and mind set.

20. If you could have an evening-long conversation with one author, who would that be and what would you talk about? 

Oh, I have a bone to pick with Taylor Jenkins Reid. How dare she write a heart-shredding book like The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo? I know she’s been interviewed a million times, but I want the softer interview. The ‘let’s drink wine and talk about love and how Evelyn came to be’ interview. I want a box of tissue between us and I want to ask “why?” a lot.

Kris Bryant’s delicious new release, Catch, can be found here: https://books2read.com/u/mV0W9A


… Anna Burke


2-in-1 Questions With Debut Authors Part 2