… Barbara Winkes

1. What’s the time of the day when you feel most like yourself?

It can be any time of the day, depending on what's on the agenda! I used to think of myself as a night owl, but since I started writing full-time, I realized I prefer getting most of my writing done in the morning, and/or before 4pm. That's when I definitely feel like myself.

2. What’s your coffee order?

Most days, black coffee (at home or breakfast in a restaurant). On occasion, a latte or cappuccino.

3. Describe yourself in three words?

Wife, writer, introvert.

4. What do you think of garden gnomes?

They remind me of childhood. We had some in the garden!

5. Sweet or savory?

Both for different occasions. I gravitate towards sweet snacks, but in a meal, anything goes. I love pineapple on pizza.

6. What makes you smile?
My wife, first of all.

7. Do you believe in soulmates?

Yes, 100%. Because of personal experience, my previous work as a psychologist, and also, because I want to!

8. Gloves or mittens?

Depends on the temperature and the activity! Sometimes, shoveling snow requires both. For a stroll over the Christmas market, gloves are okay to hold on to your mulled wine.

9. What makes you cry?

Emotional scenes on TV or in a book. Good things happening to good people. Those are the good cries. Like for most people (I imagine) grief and exhaustion, when something happens to be the last straw.

10. What personality trait gets you most often in trouble?


11. What is the one thing you wish you could quit?

Going to worst case scenarios in my mind. I'm much better with this than I was, but the concept could still use work.

12. Do you believe in love at first sight?

Yes. It happened to me!

13. In a crowded room, what makes you notice a woman?

Her smile, her confidence. Again, speaking from experience (and I married her). The room wasn't crowded, but it's still true.

14. Would you go to high school again? College?

High school, you'd have to pay me for that. A lot. I loved the time in university, the classes, the people I hung out with, the conversations we had...for a long time, I considered that the best time of my life, but after meeting my wife and changing careers, I wouldn't want to go back. I still enjoy learning new things though, but it's at my own pace now.

15. What would be the title of your autobiography?

You'll Find It Eventually.

(That's what a customs agent said to me one time, when I, after a long trip, stared in confusion at the path that led to his counter. He was right. I got to my destination - and I feel that's an appropriate metaphor for much in my life).

16. Three women you’d have over for dinner and what would you serve?

Angie Harmon, Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton. Wine, lots of wine (mostly for my benefit)! Doritos, because according to an interview we saw, that's Madam Vice President's favorite snack. Can we add our Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland? Okay, for main course we'd either go comfort food (poutine or pasta), or high end all the way. Let me get back to you once the party is a go!

17. What is the one memory you’d give anything to relive?

Telling my parents I was going to get married. That was a very special moment I love to remember.

18. What’s in your fridge right now?

Yogurt, bread, onions, tomatoes, margarine, milk, water, fruit compote, jam...I mean, how much time do you have? (We shop for groceries once a week).

19. If you could choose one song to be played every time you enter a room, what song would that be and why? Bon Jovi, Have A Nice Day. Sometimes I need a little reminder to straighten, and know that I'm supposed to be in that room.

20. If you could have an evening-long conversation with one author, who would that be and what would you talk about?

There are so many, across genres, and I'd love to talk about their characters and the relationships they have with one another. The characters are always what intrigues me the most about a book. It would be amazing to hear about them in more depth (and perhaps a glimpse at what's in store for them). We just might commiserate about word counts, marketing and algorithms too.

Barbara Winkes’ new book in the Carpenter/Harding Series, Invocations, is coming out on January 13.


… Lucy Bexley


1 Question With 20 Authors