… Jeannie Levig

1. What’s the time of the day when you feel most like yourself?

First thing in the morning, provided I got enough sleep throughout the night.

2. What’s your coffee order?

Decaf blond and sweet.

3. Describe yourself in three words?

Intelligent, Genuine and a Procrastinator.

4. What do you think of garden gnomes?

I never thought much about garden gnomes until I read the book Face the Fire by Nora Roberts in which the garden gnome in the front yard of one of the characters houses came to life and tried to attack her. Now I think they are creepy.

5. Sweet or savory?


6. What makes you smile?

My grandchildren.

7. Do you believe in soulmates?

I believe in soul connections more than soul mates as the term soul mates seems to imply a soul connection with only one other person. I don’t believe there is only one person for each of us.

8. Gloves or mittens?

Neither. I am partially sighted and rely on touch through my fingers and hands for a lot of things. Both gloves and mittens really hinder that.

9. What makes you cry?

Deep emotions.

10. What personality trait gets you most often in trouble?

Knee-jerk reactions.

11. What is the one thing you wish you could quit?

Worrying. I don’t worry as much as I used to, but I do still worry about things sometimes, and very few of the things I worry about ever happen so it’s a waste of energy.

12. Do you believe in love at first sight?

Not romantic love. I believe in attraction or interest at first sight, but I believe to truly fall in love with someone takes time and getting to know one another.

13. What makes you notice a woman?

Usually it’s her hair, whether it be something that draws me to her or something that catches my attention in a way I don’t like.

14. Would you go to high school again?

If I could redo High School knowing what I know now, then I might consider it. If I were simply going through it again as an idiot teenager, No.  College? Same answer 😊

15. What would be the title of your autobiography?

Why is My Lunch on My Shirt and Other Important Questions?

16. Three women you’d have over for dinner and what would you serve?

Provided they all come the same night so I only have to cook once, I would serve my special spaghetti recipe with homemade garlic bread because there has only been one person I made that for who didn’t like it. The 3 women is a harder question.

My 8th grade English teacher who has turned out to be far more influential in my life than I realized at the time and I would like to know more about her.

My aunt Frieda because I never put together that she was a lesbian in a lifetime relationship with her partner Florence until after they had both died.

My mother for one last visit from the days when she was still strong and healthy.

17. What is the one memory you’d give anything to relive?

The trip to England over Christmas that my ex-partner and I and our two kids went on the second year we were a family.

18. What’s in your fridge right now?

A lot of stuff that should be thrown away and some fresh strawberries calling my name.

19. What is your favorite sapphic fiction trope and why?

I am extremely partial to stories that are set in a small town, especially romances. I love the atmosphere of a setting like that and the fact that in most small towns everyone knows each other’s business, so the main characters can’t avoid or get away from whatever the conflict is between them. There is something about that situation that always intrigues me as both a reader and a writer.

20. If you could have an evening-long conversation with one author, who would that be and what would you talk about?

Carol Anshaw and I would want to talk about her books.

Jeannie Levig’s latest book, Embracing The Moon can be found here: mybook.to/JeannieLevigDawn


… Caren J. Werlinger


… Lianyu Tan